Gall Stone treatment in Ahmedabad

Gall Stonetreatment in  Ahmedabad- Gallstones are hardened deposits of bile that can form in your gallbladder. Bile is a digestive fluid produced in your liver and stored in your gallbladder. When you eat, your gallbladder contracts and empties bile into your small intestine (duodenum).People who experience symptoms from their gallstones usually require gallbladder removal surgery. Gallstones that don't cause any signs and symptoms typically don't need treatment.

Homeopathic Treatment For Gall Stones In  Ahmedabad


 Sudden and rapidly intensifying pain in the upper right portion of your abdomen

 Sudden and rapidly intensifying pain in the center of your abdomen, just below your breastbone

 Back pain between your shoulder blades

 Pain in your right shoulder

 Nausea or vomiting

How Homeopathic Treatment  Helps To Cure Gallbladder Stones?

When the stones are of a smaller size, homeopathic medicines will help in possibly reduce the size of the stones. Homeopathy medicines are effective in alleviating pain as well as chronic inflammation of gallbladder associated with the condition. Homeopathy also helps to control further stone production activity. The most important mechanism in the formation of stones is increased biliary secretion of cholesterol. This may occur due to many reasons that cannot be pinpointed. Homeopathic medication, the secretion of cholesterol is regulated and the density of bile is made normal then the stones melt. In some cases even if the disease is cured, i.e. the bile is made normal, the stones do not melt. By homeopathic medicines, the stones can be made to become silent and fixed in one place. The patients become symptom-free, for the rest of their lives. All cases of gallstones are not required to be operated upon. Homeopathy has specific medicines for the treatment of pathological gall bladder. They should first be treated with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy successfully dissolves small and medium-sized gallstones and help you avoid the gallbladder removal. Homeopathy also provides fast pain relief in gallbladder attacks and can be used for prevention and treatment of biliary colic. The medicines are natural, effective and have no side effects. In patients with gallbladder removal homeopathy can alleviate the digestive disorders after surgery.

Homeopathic treatment for gallstones typically involves using highly diluted natural substances to stimulate the body's self-healing mechanisms and promote overall well-being. However, it's essential to note that homeopathic remedies are not proven to dissolve gallstones. If you suspect you have gallstones or have been diagnosed with them, it's crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for appropriate diagnosis and treatment options. That said, here are some common homeopathic remedies that may be considered as part of a holistic approach to managing symptoms associated with gallstones:


  • Chelidonium majus: Often recommended for pain in the region of the liver and gallbladder, especially when it radiates to the back and shoulder blades. It may also help with digestive issues like nausea and bloating.
  • Lycopodium: Suggested for individuals with bloating, gas, and a sensation of fullness in the abdomen, especially after eating. It's also indicated for individuals with liver and gallbladder issues.
  • Belladonna: When there's intense pain that comes suddenly and worsens with movement or touch, Belladonna may be considered. It's often prescribed for severe colicky pain.
  • Berberis vulgaris: This remedy may be beneficial when there is pain in the region of the liver that extends to the back. It's also used for urinary issues and digestive discomfort.
  • China officinalis: If you experience bloating and distension in the abdomen, along with pain that worsens after eating, China may be helpful.
  • Nux vomica: Recommended for individuals who have a history of overindulgence in rich, fatty foods or alcohol and experience indigestion, nausea, and constipation.
  • Pulsatilla: Useful for individuals who experience shifting pains and symptoms that change rapidly. It may also be considered for those with a mild, weepy disposition.
  • Calcarea carbonica: Suggested for individuals who are prone to forming gallstones due to excess weight or sluggish metabolism.                                                                                           For More Information visit us our website :
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